Thursday 16 June 2011

Forthcoming Fire 16062011

Today was another long day for me. I just took a glass of milk before work and after instructing a class in the morning, I showered and went back to sleep until 11am and went back out to work again. I didn't have time to cook and took an easier way out by ordering a Tandoori chicken for lunch.

However, I compensated today's meals with one amazing dinner:

Oven-grilled Chicken Fillet with Grilled Vegetables and Brown Rice

To marinate the chicken fillet, I used:

a. Natural Yogurt
b. Onions
c. Carrots
d. Ginger
e. Turmeric powder
f. Chili powder

+ Grilled vegetables:

a. Chilli
b. Tomatoes
c. Onions

+ Brown Rice

Squeeze the lemon for extra zest!!

+ 1 cup of steaming hot Green tea

Please note that recipe has no salt.

Three is a Crown 15062011

This was my breakfast yesterday:

2 slices of Hi-5 High Grain wholemeal bread

A packet of Safcol Salmon

A packet of Milo fuse

A small apple

Unfortunately, this was my lunch yesterday:

A MacDonald's Filet-O-Fish

20 pcs of medium-sized fries

A Large cup of Coke (ask for more ice than Coke)

Yesterday I had to go out to do door-to-door cold calling as I am now also selling Prudential products as a part-time Wealth Planner. My colleagues settled for the McDonald's lunch time promotion and I be anti-sociable because I am on a diet. I had my food in my bag but we car pooled so I'd rather avoid asking to take my lunch. So this tells you that I am human too and sometimes I have to work. I can't avoid eating unhealthy food but I can choose to take it moderately.

Sorry but I had to waste the left-over fries and Coke as I only consumed what my body required me to take. So the message here is to avoid mindless eating. I really hate to waste food but I had to discipline myself to achieve my goals. So when I cook at home, I usually only cook the amount I need. =)

Dinner!! I was absolutely famished and extremely tired from all the door-to-door walking and talking and training until 9.30pm. So when I reached home, I just threw everything into the rice cooker:

1. Basmathi rice
2. Carrots
3. Corn
4. Tomatoes
5. Tomato paste

It tasted alright for a quick meal.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Dinner 14062011

Good evening..14.06.2011

I had such a late lunch today and I wasn't hungry until class time. I didn't feel like having tea time today.

I did upper body for my workout today:

Shoulders, Chest and Back focusing on muscular endurance (not for hypertrophy today because it's been a long time I haven't trained so I want to just take it slow).

I was soooo busy and I just didn't have the energy to cook anymore. My friend ajak go eat Tandoori. Here's another way to eat out and still choose a healthier option:

1 Garlic Naan (no butter!)

1 Tandoori Chicken - compulsory to be chicken breast =P

Drink: Teh tarik - only if you did high intensity cardio like my class for an hour non-stop are you allowed to have this sinful I have to omit. Substitute with air suam.

End of 2nd day! See you tomorrow =P

Lunch 14062011

What is for lunch??

I was really hungry all of a sudden as I was doing my work to realise it's 2.30 pm. Time flies. Lazy and tired, I didn't go for grocery shopping and I knew I have quite a lot of materials in the fridge. I'm a shophaholic you see..I tend to over purchase, even groceries. Anyway, back to lunch:

1. I found 2 B-grade eggs and a tomato

2. Some cauliflower florets

3. Black pepper

4. A slice of cheddar cheese

I was just thinking of steamed egg and so maybe try this out:

Chopped up the tomato and cauliflowers and beat up the eggs. (I'm really not good with recipe writing but there are requests =D)

Mix them up + black pepper (as to how much you wish to add)

Steam it. So easy =P. When almost done, + the cheese at your preference.

Preparation time 5 minutes

Cooking time ~ 25 minutes in a multi-cooker (if you use the stove then please check on the texture to your preference)

Here it is! Hot and steamy in the Multi-cooker. As long as you have a steaming device (not for hair!!), please don't purposely go out to buy a multi-cooker because that was what I have.

Will it taste good? I really didn't have any confident in it as this was my first time cooking this.

And I drizzled a teaspoon of Luglio Extra Virgin Olive Oil to go with it.

I think it was really good. I finished every last bit!

You can add a little bit of salt for taste if you want to. You have to first adapt your taste buds to less salt, then only entirely saltless.

Any questions or feedbacks, please feel free to email me.

Monday 13 June 2011

The Following Day... 14062011

Good morning! Been busy but all seems well today for me. =)

Today's breakfast is the "not so Nasi Lemak" version. Today I was a little busy to cook but I can always manage to choose the better option. There are no rights and wrongs in nutrition; you know what is right for you!!

I changed the Nasi Lemak to Nasi Putih (I know..high GI but like I said "GI of A MEAL" can be reduced by complementing with other lower GI foods). + more cucumbers

Sambal on the side (OMG, you should have seen the oil. Not dripping, but pouring So, when I have this situation, I just take the onions for a little taste and avoid the sambal). Look, I'm not saying you don't take fats in your diet. Just not this type of fat!!!

A hard-boiled egg to go along which provides me with the protein. I took half the egg yolk and let me tell you that egg yolks are not sinful to eat (many studies revolve around an go and read them). That's where all the nutrients are! That's why the chick is nourished by the contents of the yolk!!

Lastly, the drink. I live on Teh Tarik..helloooo..I'm Malaysian!!
So my version now is the Teh-C WITHOUT sugar.

I'm not saying that whatever I am eating now is right or wrong but we'll see what happens after a month! ;) and of course, go for training!!!

This morning I have done 1 and a half hour of moderate intensity cardio. I'll go for strength training later today and post up the results. Mid-Day snack is my next!!

Mid-Morning S-N-A-C-K-s

1 Muesli Bar (please not one pack, just to show you what brand I am taking..)

An Orange

+ A hot steaming mug of Green Tea...soooo addicted...

Next is Lunch time!!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Hello Sunshine! 13062011

Justify Full


A bowl of Instant Oatmeal

Instant oatmeal has the same nutritional content but higher Glycaemic Index (GI). To lower GI, just simply add on fruits.

A glass of fresh milk!

This is the first day of my journey to get a 6-pack (well, even a 4-pack would be a great achievement!). I'm giving myself a timeline of 3 weeks from today. I'm starting this blog to discipline myself so that I wouldn't slack off and I know the world is going to see me do this and so I will. Wish me luck!

My Mid-Morning Snack

1 1/2 cup full of melon

Lunch time!!

Whole wheat Croissant

Swedish Meatballs (Baked not Fried) from Amanda's Mummy. Yum!

Tomato Soup + Carrots + Oregano + no salt added

A mug of hot green tea + Honey Melon

Tea time snack

An apple

2 banana (pisang emas)


Steamed Sea Bass in "Teo Chew" style + Steamed white rice

I had my dinner with my parents tonight so whenever I eat out, I request for no MSG (as I'm really allergic to it because I suffer from headaches after consuming any MSG-laden food) and no salt.

Basically "Teo Chew" style is really easy to prepare and somehow alright for a cleaner diet.

The vegetables that were in it:




Tofu (non-fried)

Sour plums

Mushrooms (great source of protein and fibre)

+ a little rice wine for taste

Salted vegetables included (wash thoroughly to reduce salt content)

NO salt added.

End of First Day. It was a pretty successful day I would say. =)